Thank you ArchiMark for sending us these pictures of your Custom Made Binder with 102 Undyed leather on the outside to show the difference in color on day 1 and after 2 months of use.
Organizer Details
Type: Custom Made Organizer
Size: Standard
Outside Leather Color: 102 Undyed
Inside Leather Color: 08 Torrone
Ring Size: 30mm Rings
Additional Features: Extra pen loop, Secretarial flap left, Ring protectors, Zipper case.
Mark’s comments:
“Have now reached 2 months since I received the Undyed – Torrone binder….time flies….
Basically, I’ve left the binder next to my office window to get as much daylight as possible. Although the glass is a tinted gray glass, it still works….
The Undyed leather is now starting to get a nice caramel color to it…….don’t you think?”
What do you think of the color change of the 102 Undyed leather? Leave a comment 🙂
- Day 1
- Day 1
- Day 60